Animal clinic De Beestenhoek

Rabbits and rodents

Bunnies and rodents

In addition to dogs and cats, we also see a lot of rabbits and rodents.  

Why go to the vet?

There are several reasons to go to the vet with your rabbit and/or rodent.

Health check

Spring is a good time for rabbits to get vaccinated so that they go into summer well protected. Therefore, as a practice, we have chosen to standard Offer a reduced rate for vaccination in the month of March from rabbits against Myxomatosis/RHD1 and RHD2. This vaccination gives protection for a year. It is also important that tithin this appointment your rabbit physical investigated is by the vet To improve the overall health of your rabbit assess and evaluate any diseases timely detection 

Health complaints

In addition to healthy rabbits come er also bring rabbits and rodents to the surgery who are not feeling so well. A common problem in these animals its gastrointestinal complaints. A worrying signal in rabbits and rodents is as they stop eating. Opinion is then to make an appointmentak so that the vet your animal thorough can investigate and, if necessary, treatment can start. This could be treatment with only medication, but also force-feeding, admission or even a more comprehensive treatment may then be needed